We use a student-led approach to creative learning with a focus on personal growth, wellbeing and confidence. Importantly our work is pressure free.
Who’s it for?
We work with children and adults from the age of 6, usually in a home environment- currently either Natasha’s home or your home. Sessions can be in person or online.
The people we work with are often struggling with or disengaging with mainstream education for a variety of reasons including but not limited to social anxiety, medical requirements, mental health, physical barriers or post traumatic stress disorder.
Students can access us privately or be referred by their school or local authority.
All our work is tailored to the individual so activities are varied but can include:
Sculpture and 3D printing
Multimedia and Photography
Creative Writing
Candle Making
Cosmetics Making
We include Maths and English skills within our practice.
Qualifications offered
We are registered and qualified to deliver the Arts Award and AQA Unit Award Scheme.
“Creating products of value helps us feel valued.”
We offer training in textiles, candle and soap making for adults and young people that face physical or social barriers to employment or education.
Sales of our products enables us to provide free training opportunities.
We currently work closely with www.Aerende.co.uk who sell our products.
All of our programs include an element of creative therapy. We use creative techniques to develop a sense of self and build on self esteem.
Our products are named by the makers and our business cards display art made by our service users.
Our tutors are trained in cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness.
Comments from users:
"Natasha was a joy to work with. Our students have emotional, social, mental health and behavioral difficulties and Natasha worked diligently with calm and patience making the workshops a very inclusive and safe environment.
Her conduct was faultless."
Comments from users:
"Carers that have attended your sessions have fed back that they feel listened to and supported in their caring roles and that their health and wellbeing has improved too."
“The classes take me out of myself and take my mind off things.”
“These sessions are great for unpaid carers who can’t leave the house.”